Friday, October 14, 2011

Some nice new awards

Thanks to LOTW I have received some nice new certs to hang in the shack.

I have now got DXCC on 20m 15m along with SSB and Mixed.

I have also completed my Worked all States basic award.

I have 101 countries confirmed on RTTY so will be aplying for that soon.

I have also being busy chasing T32C on the bands and so far I have them on 12 slots, still need a RTTY QSO but they are there for 12 more days so hopefully I will get one before the head home.

They are doing a fantastic job considering there container with over 6 tonns of gear didn't make it and they are using bits of wire and small Yaesu's

Conditions are excellent at the minute and I have worked lots of new ones including YJ0VK and FK8DD.

long may the conditions continue.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Trevor.
    Congratulations for you 8 band slots with VP6T!
    Up Kildare DX :)
    Vy 73!
    Ark EI9KC
