Friday, October 14, 2011

Some nice new awards

Thanks to LOTW I have received some nice new certs to hang in the shack.

I have now got DXCC on 20m 15m along with SSB and Mixed.

I have also completed my Worked all States basic award.

I have 101 countries confirmed on RTTY so will be aplying for that soon.

I have also being busy chasing T32C on the bands and so far I have them on 12 slots, still need a RTTY QSO but they are there for 12 more days so hopefully I will get one before the head home.

They are doing a fantastic job considering there container with over 6 tonns of gear didn't make it and they are using bits of wire and small Yaesu's

Conditions are excellent at the minute and I have worked lots of new ones including YJ0VK and FK8DD.

long may the conditions continue.



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bit of a Tidyup to get ready for some winter DXing

Just starting to get the shack/antennas back into shape for the winter months to give HF a good bash and try to improve my totals.

I have been using a Signalink SL1+ for the last 5 years and it has allways worked FB, lately I have been suffering from terrible RF in my soundcard while running RTTY, the Soundcard would shutdown and I would have to reboot the PC, I have chokes everywhere and nothing was working.

So I decided to bite the bullet and go for a Rig Expert Standard interface which has a built in soundcard.

I got it from MixW and great service it was from them,

anyway when it landed I decided to remove all the leads I had in play to connect my PC to the Rig


I could nearly weight that lot in and get the price of the interface back

It was 5 minutes work setting it up and has tidyed the nest of wires around the back of the desk greatly.

all I have to do now is wait for this storm to pass and get my HF Antennas up and get ready for 4W6A/T32C/3D2R and the CQ WW RTTY contest at the end of the month.



Wednesday, March 30, 2011

DXCC status

Hi All. Just a quick update with my DXCC totals. I applied for my SSB DXCC and also to confirm 150 countries on my mixed award.

Here is my band totals I had hoped to work more on the WPX SSB contest but it didn't happen

10m was wide open to parts of South America I had hoped to work more of the Caribeen and central America but I couldn't hear them.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just remembered I had this blog after reading some others. I will try to post here from time to time.

I am chasing VP8ORK around the HF bands for the last few days, Thankfully I have been lucky and have 8 QSO's with them but the easy ones are in the log. Trying to get them on RTTY is proving to be a struggle.

In between calling the VP8 I worked my 199th DXCC Entity today which was Marion Island. One more to break the 200 barrier lets hope its easier than 199 was as it took alot of calling to get through to Pierre ZS8M as it is a pretty rare country.
